If You See Something, Say Something (unless your name is Frank – in that case, just mind your own beeswax)


At around 7am on Monday morning, I already had my first human interaction worthy of documentation.

As I pulled up to the gas station for coffee, I noticed a crew of four guys in a car parked next to the side of the building who appeared to be night owls vs early birds. We glared at each other as I walked in and I immediately suspected they were up to no good based on my keen sense of situational awareness that I have developed during my years on the road.

While paying for my coffee, I asked the cashier (who appeared to be a kid in his late teens), if there was a security camera that covered the area where they were parked? He informed me that there was, so I told him that he might want to take a peek at the carload of guys who “look like a gang of Eminem clones getting ready to rob the place.” (My exact words.) He laughed as he said, “Nah, that’s my ride!”

I think that maybe I’ll go back to minding my own business and stick with my old policy to not get involved until someone is bleeding or crying.


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4 Responses to If You See Something, Say Something (unless your name is Frank – in that case, just mind your own beeswax)

  1. enroutemusic says:

    This is great man, thanks for the laugh 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You were just being a concerned citizen, that’s all. Good for you.😉

    Liked by 1 person

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