Dunk Tanks: Spreading Sexually Transmitted Diseases The Fun Way!


I have never been the dunkee in a dunk tank to this point in my life and would politely decline any such future offers unless 1) I’m guaranteed to be first to be dunked; 2) the water comes from a purified source and 3) I was witness to a thorough sterilization of the dunk tank by a professionally certified dunk tank sterilization crew just prior to my entry into the tank.

I have always been of the opinion that without proper sterilization, being second or later in the dunk tank is the same thing as bobbing for apples in a bucket of somebody’s crotch water.

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2 Responses to Dunk Tanks: Spreading Sexually Transmitted Diseases The Fun Way!

  1. Sonia says:

    I have heard of bobbing for apples, but never a dunk tank. You guys sure lead an interesting life. LOLz


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